Jade is a 17 year old African american female 5'6" 102lbs. She was walking to her school bus stop in Del Ray Beach,FL and was abducted. She has text-ed her mom twice. first she said she needed help. In the 2nd text a minute later she told her mom she did all she could,but ended up in the trunk of a car. Her mother,father and stepmother are begging the abductor to bring her back. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46465379/ns/local_news-west_palm_beach_fl/#.T0Ppvocgddy
Found safe!!! http://www.wptv.com//dpp/news/region_s_palm_beach_county/delray_beach/delray-beach-police-investigating-abduction-of-teen-jade-beneby-from-bus-stop-this-morning