Johnny Gosch 12 Sept. 5,1982 515-222-3320 Eugene Martin 13 Aug 12,1984 515-283-4864 Marc Allen 13 March 29,1986 514-283-4811 All from West Des Moines,IA 2 of the 3 boys delivered papers for the Des Moines Register. It was originally reported that all 3 did,but Marc in fact never did. Most believe all 3 cases are linked,however because all 3 boys vanished every 2 years over a 4 year period. Johnny: The first to be abducted was Johnny Gosch age 12 in 1982. His mom has never given up and works tirelessly to find him. There was a blue car possibly a Ford Fairmont at the place where the kids picked up their papers and asked Johnny for directions then turned around and asked an adult carrier the same. A bit later a couple in bed heard a loud muffler some say was from the same car looked out but did not see a boy. Johnny was the first missing child on a milk carton. There were several possible sightings o...
This blog is dedicated to all my passions thus the name. My main passions are: Genealogy,Chris Jericho and My missing and murdered children's site and volunteer work in the area of missing and unidentified people for Lighting The Way Home.