Celina is just 11 and in 5th grade. She is missing from tiny West Stewartstown,NH pop. 900. The town is just 1 mile from the Canadian border. Several police agencies including the FBI CARD team and RCMP are investigating. Celina was last seen by her parents on Monday July 25,2011 playing on the computer. Police and FBI are searching the computer and phone records for clues. They have also searched a red pickup truck parked next door. Her apartment building has been roped off as well. http://abcnews.go.com/US/missing-hampshire-girl-search-extends-canada/story?id=14178067 http://www.unionleader.com/article/20110728/NEWS07/110729892
This blog is dedicated to all my passions thus the name. My main passions are: Genealogy,Chris Jericho and My missing and murdered children's site and volunteer work in the area of missing and unidentified people for Lighting The Way Home.